The aims of our company
- complex services
- accessibility of our services
- individual approach
- long-time partnership co-operation
The company INTERAUDIT Group, s.r.o. Bratislava was founded in 1996 by auditors and partners of the companies
• Interaudit Trenčín, s.r.o., Trenčín,
• Interaudit Benetip, s.r.o., Žilina,
• Interaudit Lučenec, s.r.o., Lučenec,
• Interaudit UNIVERZAL, s.r.o., Prešov,
• Interaudit LUTO 21, s.r.o., Prague, Czech republic
to form a group of audit and advisory firms working in Slovakia and foreign countries.
Linear structure allows flexible providing of services close to our clients.
Most of our companies have worked in Slovakia since 1991 as companies with Netherlandish investment and using European knowledge and experiences from auditing.
Since 1995 all the companies work as self-existent firms with Slovak investment exclusively.
Since 2001 on the decision of the General Assembly, the sole shareholder has become Ing. Vladimír Kolenič.